Saturday, September 15, 2007

Strong Museum -Ashlyn's Birthday part III

For y'all who aren't from NY, the Strong Museum is the place for kids Ashlyn's age. You can check it out online at and see what all the fuss is about. That said, Ashlyn was treated to a day at Strong on her birthday with Aubrey, Mommy, and Nana. Her favorite exhibit is Sesame Street (or as Ashlyn pronounces it sometimes: "sandwich in da street") where she hung out with Big Bird, had a video made of herself singing the ABC's with Elmo, and played on the computers!
Afterwards, she shopped at Wegman's grocery - and proved herself once again to be a true Southerner at heart. We were trying to decide what to "buy" and I said, "What about some cereal?" She said, "Yeah! Where's the cereal? Oh! There's cereal! I love it!" as she reached for a box of GRITS!! *yay*!
She also had a great time playing in the plastic sand, creating some art of her own, and playing with a giant Mr. Potato Head!
After the museum, we went to Aunt Jeanne's, where we were treated to "Noni's Roni's" and cake, and Ashlyn opened the last (*whew*) of her birthday gifts. I think one of her favorites is an old-fashioned Jack-in-the-Box Curious George. She turns the handle and says, "Where's George? He's he comes..." then when George pops up - "There he is!" The cutest is when she puts George back in - she says "Bye George. Watch your head, George!" This week has been quite eventful - thanks to our wonderful families. We love you all! Well, I'm off to help Ashlyn write her thank-you's!

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