Friday, September 14, 2007

The Big Day - Ashlyn's Birthday part II

Ashlyn has made it to 2 years old! We are so proud of our "big girl!"
She has had quite the birthday week! Nana arrived on Tuesday, the 11th and we went to Buffalo to pick her up. Ashlyn was treated to a trip to the mall, where Nana bought some fall window clings for Ashlyn to put on our windows! Wednesday was school for me, and Aubrey made a trip to the Doctor - she has this crazy rash all over her head and face, but the doc says it's fine and it's probably an extension of cradle cap or a delayed reaction to her immunizations.
Thursday we went to Rochester and Ashlyn picked out the linens for her big girl bed!!

She spent the WHOLE NIGHT in her big girl bed Thursday night - a HUGE accomplishment!
Mema gave Ashlyn her first tricycle. Ashlyn calls it her bike, and when she gets on it, says she needs a "hullmit" on.
There were so many other would take days to name them all! I will say, once again, THANK YOU to all of you for your generosity. However, if this birthday is any indication of Christmas, then I will be putting a bigger apartment and a bigger vehicle on MY list! I also promise to send as many birthday pics as I can via email, and post them on the WalMart website so anyone can order them. If you don't get an email and you want to see all the pics, please just email me! I know it's hard to believe, but I'm not perfect! Here's Aubrey, enjoying Ashlyn's birthday -I'll tell you all about the Strong Museum next time!

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