Monday, September 17, 2007

Ashlyn gets her 1st Haircut!

What a brave girl we have! Ashlyn didn't shed a tear as she got her first haircut! PJ did the honors of snipping her locks as I held her in my lap. We were at Charley's shop - so that was really cool to know she's following the family tradition! Grandma Puccio, Kathy, Grandpa, Nana, Aubrey, and even Grandpa's friend Marty were there to join in the fun. Just a tad off the ends was all she got cut, but we were glad there were no tears (not even by me!) and no tantrums. As promised by her Daddy, Ashlyn was rewarded with a Wiggles DVD since she was such a good girl.
Aubrey was smiling and laughing the whole time, as if to say "Ha ha sissy! I don't have to get that done for at least another 2 years!!!"

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