Thursday, September 6, 2007

Don't they look thrilled to have their picture taken together? With the matching shirts on, it almost looks like Ashlyn just grew another head! Our week has been good, we're getting prepared for Ashlyn's birthday party on Saturday, and Ashlyn has been picking out all the accessories for her party. We went to Tops to pick out her cake and she chose a Barney and Baby Bop theme, really cute! Then we went to Rochester to the party store and picked out the plates and napkins and favors - all Elmo/Sesame Street! I tried my best to convince her to get Barney, as to match her cake, but she wasn't going for it. Elmo it is!!!
Aubrey is growing more everyday. She is really starting to chew on everything she can get her hands on, so we're expecting teeth any day now. She's probably the most smiley child I have ever seen - she smiles at everyone and everything! Ashlyn amazes me everyday as well. We're attempting potty training, and I made a little chart for her to put stickers on when she has a successful attempt. I'd just finished it and propped it up on an end table, waiting for her next success to show it to her. She saw it, looked at me and said "That's my name! That's Ashlyn!" Huh?!? I was amazed. So, I asked, "Where's your name?"
"On the paper, Mommy." Like, duh - you don't see it?
"Where on the paper?" which said across the top, Ashlyn's Potty Chart.
"There!" she said as she pointed right to her name. I swear!!! She never ceases to amaze me. Now she just wants to write her name all the time. Of course, it looks nothing like writing - much less her name - but she loves to write and I love that it keeps her occupied for more than 3 minutes!
In other news this week... Happy Birthday, Daddy! He turned the big 5-0 this year! Congrats to Angela and Scott who got married in Gatlinburg this past week. The pics were wishes for a happy life together! And...Nickie sent me pics of her prego self. The only reason I'm not posting them is that I don't want to tick her off - but they are awesome...she's one hot momma! Can't wait to meet the little guy this winter!
Well, I'm off to put the finishing touches on the birthday party preps - I'll let you know how it goes!
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