Sunday, September 9, 2007

Birthday Weekend Number One

Ashlyn's birthday festivities are well under way! It all started Saturday morning at Burger King in LeRoy, where we had her party. We had quite the crowd and Ashlyn was excited to see everyone. Little things aside, it went well for it being only the 2nd birthday party I've ever put together. Ashlyn was a hit in her Birthday dress and her tiara, and she had a ball playing with Allie, Joey, Max, and Sammie.
Everyone was so generous to our little princess on her big day that I'm not sure even Santa could top all that she received. Honestly, my heartfelt thanks to all of you for making the day so special.

Ashlyn's gift from Daddy was her first pet - a beautiful Beta fish! He's really quite the looker! With his cobalt blue and deep red coloring, it makes perfect sense that Ashlyn promptly named him "Yellow." So, it should be fun to see just how long we can keep Yellow the blue and red fish alive.

That evening we went to Attica to see Noni and Dot, and PJ and I actually got to have an hour or so to ourselves! Whoopie!!!!!!!!
Now we are off the the Gringer Family reunion (that's Grama Puccio's side of the family for all y'all who don't know). The rest of Ashlyn's birthday week should be full of fun and suprises - I'll keep you posted!

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