Friday, September 21, 2007

Ashlyn and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Yes, that is a horrible boo-boo on our oldest baby girl's face. It's in black and white simply because the sight of it in color makes me a little woozy.
Yesterday was a really tough day for Ashlyn. She had her 2-year well visit with the Doctor, where she totally freaked out and cried the whole time. To top that off, she got a flu shot while she was there!
As if that weren't enough, when we got home from lunch and a trip to WalMart, Ashlyn took a spill and her teeth went through her lower lip!! She was trying to climb up on a chair, and ended up going face-first into the brickfaced wall in our living room. She most certainly had her guardian angel right beside her, because after seeing the wall, it's amazing that she didn't break her nose or a tooth. Of course, there were a lot of tears and screaming - basically an all-out panic - but we made it to the emergency room (and the administration of that fine establishment will be receiving a letter from this very disgruntled mother) where they tried to sedate her, then pulled a piece of brick and paint out of her lip, and glued the poor honey's lip back together. I just wish they could've given me and PJ something to sedate us!
Despite all the crying and screaming, Ashlyn made it through, and was greeted at home by Noni and Aubrey, then Grandma Puccio and Grandpa Dick came by to bring her some goodies. Kathy had already gone, but she swooped in on a moments notice early on to watch Aubrey so that PJ could help me with Ashlyn in the ER. Thank you all - don't know what we would do without you!
Our brave little one slept all night, and is on antibiotics and Tylenol until we see our Doctor on Monday. She seems to be doing great - she's quite a trooper!
In true little sister fashion, Aubrey just laughed the whole time Ashlyn was crying at the Doctor's office getting her shot, but was a perfect angel when Ashlyn was really hurt - she didn't give anyone trouble while we were gone. We've been so blessed to have 2 very good girls!

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