Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What a Week!

Hello All!

I thought you might enjoy this picture of the new sport my girls have invented... SYNCHRONIZED SLEEPING!
What a week it's been so far! So much going on that I really don't know where to begin. On Monday I started school at GCC - retaking Anatomy and Physiology since I had to drop it last time. It's nice to go into the class already knowing half of the material.
Tuesday I went to the dentist to see about a tooth that was hurting, and they ended up pulling it right then and there. OUCH! At least the nice Dentist was kind enough to give me an Rx for some good stuff to keep my mind off my teeth! Needless to say I was not expecting to be incapacitated, so Samantha (bless her heart) came to the rescue and managed to entertain the girls all afternoon so I could drift off to Tylenol3 happy-land. Poor Ashlyn was so tired that she was fighting sleep, and had me about to pee my pants laughing when we said our prayers. The conversation went something like this:
"Let's say our prayers baby. Ready? Fix your hands..."
"I wanna see Elmo."
"No Elmo. Elmo's sleeping. Let's pray. Now I lay me..."
"Wanna read Mommy Bear?"
"Shhhhh babe, we're saying our prayers. Now I lay me down to sleep..."
"I wanna read the BOOK!"
"Ashlyn, lay down and say your prayers."
"I wanna read the BOOK, MOMMY!"
"Ashlyn, you have to be quiet and say your prayers. When we say our prayers we talk to Jesus."

I honestly thought I would die laughing!!!
Well, anyway...Today the non-tooth isn't hurting as much, which is good because I started my Chem class. The great news I got today - Angela is having a BOY! So now I have 3 little boys to buy for - I'm so excited!
That's it...TTFN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie...this is to hear about the fam...and glad to know everyone is doing great. You are such a good writer! Good luck with school...I'm so happy you are going back. Have a great Labor Day weekend! love ya!