Friday, August 31, 2007

Ashlyn and the Yankees

It doesn't get much cuter...

While we were eating lunch today, Ashlyn looked at my shirt (which says "NY Yankees") and said, "Yankees!" I said, "That's right! This is Mommy's Yankees shirt. What do the Yankees play?"
"Yep, what do we say when they play?"
"Go Yankees!"
"That's right! Who's your favorite Yankee?" (I was expecting a response of A-Rod and she said, are you ready?...............)

You know what they can take the girl out of the South, but you can't take the South out of the girl!

The rest of the day was full of funnies, including Aubrey's hair. Please know that I did not do anything other than clip a bow in front of her natural mowhawk!
She's still the happiest baby in the world, and she loves her sister so much.
While she was in her swing today, Ashlyn came into the kitchen and said "Look Mommy, I share with Aubrey!"
My heart beaming with pride, I went into the living room to see this precious moment, and found Aubrey in her swing, happily gnawing on the bowl from Ashlyn's potty! (Thank God I had just cleaned it out!) When I took it from her, Aubrey just poked her little lip out and started to cry! I suppose Ashlyn was so excited about potty training that she wanted to "share" it with Aubrey; and Aubrey just wanted anything she could get her gums on!
We're looking forward to the weekend...PJ is off until Tuesday, so we're planning to spend some time together and with Dick, Deb, Allie and Joey. I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories next week!

Happy Labor Day!!!!!!

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