Friday, August 24, 2007

Pool Fun

Well, today was another gorgeous one here in WNY. The sun was shining and the breeze was blowing. I thought, "What a great day to (finally) go to the pool." So we called Noni and packed up for Attica. We got there and it looked like it was going to be just perfect. Ashlyn in her little yellow polka dot bikini and Aubrey in her diaper - we were up for an afternoon of fun.
But we learn something new each day, don't we? Today I learned that pools in NY are very cold. That's right - COLD. Even if the weather is simply divine, chances are pools without heaters are going to average a temperature somewhere around negative 40 - even in the summer. OK, that may be a bit of a stretch, but I assure you that my southern acclimated body was not happy in this frigid water. We were there approximately 15 minutes when we started to think that maybe this hadn't been the best choice of activity. Then Noni was stung by a bee she was swatting away from Ashlyn, and that sealed the deal - back to Gram Dot's we went.
On a brighter note, we ended up going to the mall in Buffalo and doing a little birthday shopping for all's well that ends well.
Now if I could just find a heated pool.........

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