Thursday, August 23, 2007

Aubrey's Big Day

Wow! What a day our little Aubrey has had. She went to the Doctor this morning and was diagnosed with a terrible case of the "iggles." It seems that every part of her either giggles, wiggles, or jiggles! She now weighs 16lbs. 12oz. and is 24 1/2 inches long. That puts her right up in to the 90-95th percentile for her age group - what a chunk! Sadly, she had to have shots as well, but what a trooper she is!! She barely cried at all, and after a little nap, was right back to trying to eat Ashlyn's hair.
Ashlyn was very concerned about her sister. She saw all of Aubrey's Band-Aids and wanted to kiss her sister's boo-boos. Then she kissed Aubrey's toes and said "Hey Aubrey. I love you, Aubrey!" Ashlyn had a big accomplishment today - she went number 1 and 2 in her potty, and wore her big girl pants for 2 whole hours without an accident (we put a diaper on for naptime)! As soon as she wakes up, we're going to get a prize.

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