Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What you really want to hear about...

Both girls are growing like weeds and enjoying the beautiful weather of Western NY in August. We take lots of walks in the mornings and evenings, since both girls love to be outside, and we try to take at least one trip a week to Rochester to see Allie and Joey. We're currently trying to plan Ashlyn's 2nd birthday extravaganza, and I am quickly learning the pros and cons of having such a large family nearby. All Ashlyn really cares about is the fact that she's going to get to eat french fries that day! Aubrey is finally fun - I'm so glad we didn't sell her to the gypsies. She smiles and coos all day long - I swear she is the happiest baby on earth. As for PJ and I, we're doing great. We found a church that we both really enjoy (gasp!!!) and we're trying to start making more time for each other now that his schedule has become permanent at work. I go back to school Monday, the 27th. What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment. Well, I suppose that's all for now. I'll definitely keep you all posted on what's going on up our way! Love you all!

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