Sunday, February 10, 2008

School is, really

Ashlyn hates school. There's really no other way to put it. I've tried everything I'm "supposed" to try to get her not to cry, and now I'm resorting to bribery. If she can go the whole day Tuesday without crying, she'll get Oliver's icecream when we get out of school. I really don't know what else to do and I'm at my wit's end. Honestly, it's like this perfect little socialite that would go anywhere with anyone just a few weeks ago is now an insecure homebody who justs wants to be with her Mommy. I'm not saying that I don't love that she wants me - all of you know how much I adore my children - I'd just like to be able to go to class without feeling like Cruella Deville.
Anywhooo....Aubrey and Ashlyn are becoming such cute playmates. Aubrey still doesn't realize that she is not as old or capable as AG, so she sometimes get frustrated with herself - but even that's adorable! Ashlyn is still so patient with her, it's so cute. This morning they were "cooking" in their room, and Aubrey was really getting into it. Who knows? We may have a little Rachael Ray on our hands!

Aubrey; Cooking with the Puccio Sisters; Aubrey's "Foot Soup"; Ashlyn's Artwork

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