Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

As if turning 28 wasn't gift enough (honestly, I think I'll just stop counting now), I got to spend the whole day with my little family. We had such a great time! We went to Rochester and went shopping at the mall, then went out to eat at Carrabba's (sorry, Daddy, but you got me thinking...). It was a really good day for all of us!
While we were in Roch, PJ wanted to go by Battisti's to do some secret Santa stuff, so the girls and I stayed in the car. Ashlyn wanted to "drive," so I let her sit in the front with me while we were in the parking lot. That's when I snapped this pic - I guess it's true that imitation is the highest form of flattery!
As we try to get ready for Christmas, it's hard to remember to step back and really take in just how our babies are growing. I suppose I shouldn't say babies...they really are quickly turning into two beautiful little girls. Last night, we had them in the tub, and it was so cute to watch them. Aubrey was just enthralled with Ashlyn. She just wants to do everything her big sister does. So, the fact that she got to sit in the tub like a big girl with her sister had her pleased as punch.
Well, I'm off to study for finals and wrap gifts. Love you all!

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