Friday, October 12, 2007


Well folks, it finally happened - fall has arrived in Western NY! Now I just hope it sticks around for a while, 'cause I'm not looking forward to winter if this is what fall feels like! Luckily, it also meant that I got to go buy some new clothes, so that's always a plus, and an incentive to grit my teeth and bear it and not complain! We had a blast with Uncle Joe when he came to visit this weekend, and we enjoyed spending time with everyone at Allie's party on Sunday. And just to toot my own horn for a second, I also just got my second and third 100 test score in Anatomy/Physiology! So, as you can see, we have had a really good week!
Aubrey is trying so hard to crawl - she will roll until she bumps into something then roll in another direction. She loves to jump in her exersaucer, and she has started babbling! She'll blurt out "GAH!!" when she is happy and "GAH!!" when she is hungry. She also says, "GAH!!" when she is tired or mad or wants something. Of course they all sound like different 'Gah's' to me, so obviously she is communicating and she's a genius just like her sister.
Ashlyn has said so many funny things this week that I can't even remember half of them. She's seriously kept me and PJ laughing for hours on end. I ventured to the mall on Thursday, and Ashlyn fell asleep on the way there. She wasn't at all happy when we arrived and started screaming at the top of her lungs when we got inside. Well, I bent down to try to calm her and told her we were shopping and she had to be good, to which she answered, "I don't wanna shop!" (she must have thought she was adopted or something). So, I asked her "What's it going to take for you to be a good girl and let Mommy get some clothes so I don't freeze to death here in the Northern tundra?" With tears in her eyes, she looked down at the floor then up at me - cheeks red, eyes wide...smiled and said "Want some ice cream, Mommy?" I wish I could say I stood my ground and demanded she behave or carry a butt-whoopin', but instead, we headed straight to the food court and split a kiddie cup of vanilla, then shopped in peace.
Early this morning, Ashlyn woke up crying because she'd had a little accident in the bed. So, I stripped the bed down, got her cleaned up, dry, and changed and we laid on the couch. I took her bedclothes downstairs to be washed. All day she kept going in her room, then coming out and saying, "Where's my sheeps, Mommy?" I had no idea what sheep she meant, so I started going through all her books, asking "This sheep book? This Old MacDonald book? The Cow book? What sheep, Ashlyn?" She just kept saying, "Where's my sheeps?" Finally, I made her bed and she came in to go to bed. She looked at the bed covers and said, "My sheep! You found my sheeps, Mommy!" The whole day she was trying to figure out where her sheets were!

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