Saturday, October 6, 2007

Adventures in Food

I can't get this stuff in her mouth fast enough! Aubrey LOVES rice cereal and green beans. I know, I know, I have the weirdest kids ever - they love their veggies. By the way, this is Aubrey when she is sick. The little darling just never stops smiling. At one point while I was feeding her, she grabbed the spoon, shoved it into her mouth and wouldn't let go! I could feed her fast enough for her liking! Ashlyn was very curious as to what I was howling laughing at, so I offered her a taste of what Aubrey was eating. She looked at it a few times and said, "Mommy eat it?" So I tasted the green glop (not bad, not great, either) and then she was willing to try it, too.
As you can see, she was NOT impressed.
We're looking forward to our long weekend - spending some time with Uncle Joe, going to Allie's birthday party, and going up to Letchworth to take some pictures and visit the Arts Festival. Have a great Columbus Day weekend!

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