Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Healing up

Just a quick pics because my camera's going caput...
Ashlyn is on the mend - in fact, her face looks 100% better now that the glue has fallen off. She has a clean bill of health from her pediatrician! The cut itself is not bad - about 3/4 of an inch in length. She's back in full action, the only thing she has a problem doing is brushing her teeth, but once the inside of her mouth completely heals, that should be fine.
Aubrey's crazy rash won't go away - say some prayers for her, please. She's having a miserable go of it, and the sweet little thing just keeps smiling and scratching. It's heartbreaking...
That's it for now - I'll post some pics once I get this camera figured out!
OH! I almost forgot... if anyone wants to leave messages for the girls, please do so! Just leave a comment on the blog, these print out nicely for their baby books. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Ashlyn, I am so glad to hear that your boo-boo is better! What a brave girl you are! We love you bunches!
Love, Nana & Papa

Anonymous said...

Aubrey, We pray that your rash will soon go away. You are such a happy baby! WE love you very much!
Love, Nana & Papa