The other night, we were watching the Yankees game (and probably would've enjoyed it more if they would WIN every now and then), and Ashlyn started explaining baseball to us. It went something like this:
Ashlyn:"See that man? He's got the number 2 on he's (yes, that's how she says his) back. That man's gonna hit that ball with his stick."
PJ: "That's Jeter, baby, and that man behind on the ground is Jorge."
Ashlyn: "What's a Jorge? Oh, that's a Jorge. See him, Mommy? He's wearing the big hat. Him's sitting down. Oh, he can't hit that ball with that stick! He's silly! See Jeter? He's got a number 2! He's gonna hit that ball! Hit that ball, Jeter! Oh, where's he goin'?"
PJ: "He didn't hit the ball, so he has to go sit down."
Ashlyn: "But he's got to try again!"
After that conversation was over, I don't think I've ever seen PJ so proud of his first born.
Ashlyn also has a way with those special mother-daughter moments. Last night, I was rocking her just before bed, and the TV was tuned to E! where they were showing this horrible "Prom Nightmares" show. I look at this innocent little thing in my arms, and couldn't stand the thought of her growing up and going to prom and all the things that come with that. (I usually try not to think any farther into the future than next week when it comes to the girls - otherwise, I'd need to be highly medicated.) I looked down at her and said, "You can always talk to Mommy about anything, you know that? I don't ever, ever want you to feel like you can't tell Mommy something, ok?"
She looks up at me with those big, blue eyes and says, "OK. Well, so, I have to pee before I go to bed."
Thank God that's her biggest dilema. Too bad it's not going to stay that way!
It's been a crazy week, so I'm only posting these pictures of Aubrey entertaining us at the table last night. She now has 7 teeth and she's really enjoying using them! 
1 comment:
I love it!
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