Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Round of Applause and some Quick Funnies...

I'll put this on the list of things you either laugh when you hear, or don't ever want to hear:
Ashlyn: (from the other room) "Mommy! Look! I'm flying!!!"

(me running to see what's going on)

Ashlyn: See? I'm riding on Aubrey's back!!

She was literally trying to straddle Aubrey like a horse and ride her!

Now, a round of applause for Ashlyn...She has started going to the potty all the time! In fact, she's only had 2 accidents in the last 2 weeks! She's doing great, and I'm just amazed at how easy it was. I guess it was just her time and she was ready! (Thank goodness!)

OK, more funny stuff...
When AG was flushing the potty the other day, she looked at the toilet waved, and said, "Bye-bye pee-pee's, bye-bye poops, we love you!"

And last, but certainly not least...Aubrey is starting to walk! So far she's only managed about 9 steps at a time, but she's getting more confident everyday!!

Sorry this blog is so disjointed - I swear I have ADD these days!

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