Thursday, October 4, 2007

Numbers, Colds & Booger Suckers

Ashlyn and Aubrey are definitely keeping us busy, busy, busy....
No one is the house was able to sleep much last night - Miss Aubrey has a cold and she is miserable, but still putting on her happy face. I just can't get over what a happy baby she is. She started with the sniffles on Monday and it hasn't gotten much worse, but it hasn't gotten better, either. Like all babies, she abhors the bulb syringe technique of getting rid of her, um, nasal secretions. She was in her swing yesterday and I was attempting to relieve her nose while she screamed and cried. Ashlyn, who was watching the whole thing intently from the recliner, began to comfort her sister in her own special way by saying, "It's ok, Aubrey, it's just a booger sucker Aubrey! Almost done with the booger sucker!"
Ashlyn also stunned me once again on Monday while playing with her numbers book. She can recognize 1 and 2, so I pointed to 3 and asked, "What number is this?" She looked at it and then looked at me and said, "That's the number of the day, Mommy."
(For those of you going, "Huh?" Sesame Street has a number and letter of the day each day. On Monday, that number was 3.) So, although she couldn't tell me that the number was 3, she knew it was the number of the day. Pretty cute.
Well, I hear my phone being played with, so before Ashlyn calls China I'll sign off!

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