Friday, September 28, 2007

All's fair in babies and Sesame Street

Yes, those are our angels blissfully tuned into Sesame Street. I hate to sound selfish, but that's MY favorite hour of the day, too!
Aubrey's face has finally cleared up, thanks to the magic of Cortisone 10 and Cetaphyl. The inflammation and itching have passed as well. We actually all got 8 hours of sleep last night! If I'm not mistaken, that's the first time in over 2 years I can say that for myself!
Ashlyn's face is getting better each day, too. We're just having a hard time getting her to keep her little fingers away from that fascinating scab.
Lots of exciting things are coming our way in the next few weeks. This weekend we're going to the Apple Umpkin Festival and thrift/consignment shopping in Buffalo. We're looking forward to celebrating birthdays for Allie and PJ the first week of October, and going to the local haunted houses. I'll let y'all know if they're as good up here as they are down home!
I also wanted to share a link with y'all to the website for Vocal Reunion, the group that my Daddy is a part of. If you go to the Music section, you can listen to clips from their latest CD or some of Dennie's solo projects. These 3 guys are super talented, have a long history together, and it shows in the music. Oh, (*shameless plug alert*) and if you think your church or group would enjoy their brand of Southern Gospel singing, you can also find their booking information. (You can also download a poster, so it's like they're the Backstreet Boys!)
Well, just wanted to update y'all on what's going on here - hope to hear from all of you soon!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hi, Aubrey!
I am so glad that your mean old rash is going away. You look so happy and beautiful.
Love, Nana